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WEEK 6 & 7

This model was the first where I experimented with light. By subtracting a section of the roof it enabled more light to move through the model, creating a lighter atmosphere. From here I thought about how this model would be positioned and the suns movement around, lighting up the building at one time but darkening it at another time.

 My 4th model was another experiment to add light into the building to create unique shadows throughout the model. To build this model I used a thick card which was harder to use compared with the wood but it allowed me to utilize tabs to hold the model together instead of bends and cuts.

I really liked this model and the idea behind it, also the shadows that came from it.

My final model was another attempt to creating shadows that are unique but also are unique at every. time throughout the day. The roof can give a sense of openness yet closeness as the roof allows a lot of light but it dips down.
